Scott Schmidt
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Primary Ocean Producers
Scott Schmidt
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Primary Ocean Producers
Scott graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Business Administration of Finance. He has extensive start-up, operating, financial, and managerial experience, where he has earned a strong understanding of accounting, project management, logistics, marketing, and financial reporting. Scott began his career with the co-founding of Impulse One, a full-service CPG marketing company, where he oversaw the development of SOP’s, sales and marketing campaigns, brand development, the development of an international supply chain, managed compliance with FDA, USDA, and the Department of Agriculture in all 50 states, oversaw one corporate acquisition, one joint venture with a public company, and managed growth to over $21M in revenues. Shortly thereafter, Scott made his first real estate investments and subsequently co-founded a real estate syndicate, Building Forts Real Estate Investment Fund, and Climbing Fences, a real estate construction company, where he serves as CEO and President, respectively. In 2014, Scott co-founded Venice Fixes, a bicycle marketing and e-commerce platform, where he served as Chief Operating Officer and oversaw sourcing and logistics. Venice Fixies turned a profit in year 1 and was divested. Scott Schmidt currently serves as Chief Investment Officer of the Schmidt 2001 FLP and manages equity and debt investments in the petrochemical, medical, real estate, and beverage industries, and maintains a Directors role in the early and growth-stage companies.
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Deep Dive Episode 134 – It Can Be Done Live: The Future of Our Seas
An expert panel explores the potential of human ingenuity to solve the problems facing our oceans and the conditions necessary to make those solutions a reality.
Listen to this podcastIt Can Be Done Live: The Future of Our Seas
The creators of the award-winning documentary, They Say It Can’t Be Done, in partnership with the Federalist Society’s Regulatory Transparency Project, present It Can Be Done Live – a conversation between entrepreneurs, regulatory experts, and noted academics around creative and bipartisan solutions to global challenges to our shared future. The first of four panel events, It Can Be Done Live: The Future of Our Seas took place on September 10th, 2020.
Watch this video