Joel Thayer, President of the Digital Progress Institute, previously was an associate at Phillips Lytle. Before that, he served as Policy Counsel for ACT | The App Association, where he advised on legal and policy issues related to antitrust, telecommunications, privacy, cybersecurity and intellectual property in Washington, DC. His experience also includes working as legal clerk for FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and FTC Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen. Additionally, Joel served as a congressional staffer for the Hon. Lee Terry and Hon. Mary Bono.
Joel Thayer
Digital Progress Institute
Joel Thayer
Digital Progress Institute
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Deep Dive Episode 256 – Section 230 Goes to Court: Gonzalez v. Google and the Future of the Electronic Town Square
A panel of experts discusses what Section 230 permits and doesn’t permit—a question now before a number of courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court in Gonzalez v. Google.
Listen to this podcastSection 230 Goes to Court: Gonzalez v. Google and the Future of the Electronic Town Square
A panel of experts discussed what Section 230 permits and doesn’t permit—a question now before a number of courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court in Gonzalez v. Google.
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