Jay Ezrielev

Founder and Managing Principal

Elevecon LLC

Jay Ezrielev

Founder and Managing Principal

Elevecon LLC

Jay Ezrielev is the former economic advisor to Federal Trade Commission Chairman Joseph SimonsHe specializes in the economics of industrial organization, econometrics, and antitrust policy. With more than 19 years in economic consulting and government, Dr. Ezrielev has advised clients on numerous high-profile antitrust and other mattersHe has worked with many Fortune 500 companies. Dr. Ezrielev participated in drafting the Vertical Merger Guidelines. Dr. Ezrielev has extensive experience leading economic analysesproviding agency advocacy, assisting in preparation of expert reports and testimony, advising counsel on expert examinations, developing economic models, and performing econometric analysis of large data sets. He has been retained on wide range of matters, including merger reviews, monopolization litigation, regulatory hearings, pricefixing litigation, intellectual property matters, contractual disputes, and class certification matters. He also taught financial economics as adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins UniversityDr. Ezrielev earned Ph.D. in Economics from New York University, an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers University, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers University. Dr. Ezrielev previously worked as a scientist and software developer at Siemens Medical Systems and Goldman Sachs.

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Deep Dive Episode 141 – Interoperability and Data Sharing: An Antitrust Remedy in Search of a Market Problem?

October 26, 2020

An expert panel discusses the use of portability and interoperability mandates in competition law.

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