Gordon Coffee
Winston & Strawn LLP
Gordon Coffee
Winston & Strawn LLP
Gordon Coffee is a litigation partner in Winston & Stawn’s Washington, D.C. office. Coffee’s success in litigating multimillion-dollar claims by and against energy companies has led to his being repeatedly recommended for energy litigation by Legal 500. Among the energy companies for whom he has served as lead trial counsel are Midland Cogeneration Venture, Allegheny Energy Supply, and USGen New England. Coffee also has effectively represented several other businesses in complex commercial litigation at the trial and appellate levels.
Besides commercial litigation, Coffee has defended energy and health-care companies in battles with federal agencies in federal court and administrative proceedings. He recently won summary judgment for a company seeking a multimillion-dollar refund from a federal agency and assisted hydroelectric generators in challenging onerous license conditions imposed by another federal agency. In the health-care arena, he convinced the D.C. Circuit to overturn regulations issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that prohibited physicians from charging technical fees for surgical procedures on a per-use basis, and he secured an injunction barring the Department of Health and Human Services from enforcing Stark Act regulations against lithotripsy providers.
Moreover, Coffee has successfully represented several energy companies in federal agency investigations. Notably, he has secured nearly a dozen favorable resolutions of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) investigations and audits. In several cases, he persuaded FERC or NERC to take no adverse action against the company or to dismiss proposed notices of violations. In other instances, his efforts resulted in substantial reductions in penalties proposed by the agency and helped his clients avoid expensive mitigation and compliance plans.
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Deep Dive Episode 73 – Balancing Federal and State Authority in Energy Policy
In this episode, Gordon A. Coffee and Ari Peskoe discuss recent conflicts between state and federal authorities surrounding different approaches to energy regulation.
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