F. Scott Kieff
Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor of Law and Director, Planning and Publications, Center for Law, Economics, & Finance
George Washington University Law School
F. Scott Kieff
Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor of Law and Director, Planning and Publications, Center for Law, Economics, & Finance
George Washington University Law School
The Honorable F. Scott Kieff is the Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor at GW Law School. He specializes in international trade; intellectual property; antitrust; finance and securities regulation; bankruptcy; biotechnology and medicine; governance and compliance; cyber; privacy; and security. Formerly a Commissioner of the U.S. International Trade Commission, he was nominated by President Obama and confirmed unanimously by the Senate. He also has served as an advisor to high-level government offices during the Bush, Obama, and Trump Presidential Administrations on national security and economics. In the private sector, through Kieff Strategies LLC, he brings together fellow academics and former government officials to collaboratively engage complex challenges facing firms in technology, finance, business, and law by conducting investigations and crisis management, and providing strategic consulting, expert advice and testimony, and neutral services as mediators, arbitrators, and compliance monitors. A former law clerk to U.S. Circuit Judge Giles S. Rich, and graduate of MIT and Penn Law School, he was elected to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2012.
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Deep Dive Episode 94 – FTC v. Qualcomm
In this episode, Kristen Osenga and F. Scott Kieff recap the district court’s decision, discuss the arguments likely to be made on appeal, and explore the bigger issues this case brings up for antitrust policy.
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