Diana Harshbarger
United States Representative
Diana Harshbarger
United States Representative
A native East Tennessean, Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger was born in Bloomingdale, a small community right outside of Kingsport, and was the first in her immediate family to graduate from high school and college. She attended East Tennessee State University and graduated from Mercer University College of Pharmacy with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. After graduation, she returned home to start a business and raise her family.
Diana has been a licensed pharmacist and a business owner for over three decades. She currently serves on the House Education and Labor, and House Homeland Security Committees.
Diana and her husband, Robert, currently reside in Kingsport when they are not at their farm in Unicoi. Diana has one son and two grandsons.
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Explainer Episode 28 – Rep. Harshbarger on the Freedom to Work Act
Rep. Diana Harshbarger joins Shoshana Weissmann to discuss the “Freedom to Work Act” and the most prevalent arguments for and against its passage.
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