Corey Salsberg
Vice President, Global Head IP Affairs
Corey Salsberg
Vice President, Global Head IP Affairs
Corey Salsberg is the Vice President of Global Head IP Affairs in Novartis. He leads the Global IP Affairs function for Novartis, a multinational Fortune Global 200 healthcare company and world leader in innovative medicines and biosimilars.
Corey is a member of the Steering Committee and founder of the WIPO-World Economic Forum Inventors Assistance Program (IAP), an innovative international program aimed at providing pro bono IP services to under-resourced inventors and small businesses in developing countries.
Furthermore, he is one of architects of the Patent Information Initiative for Medicines (Pat-INFORMED), a voluntary global online database of patent information now co-sponsored and hosted by WIPO and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (IFPMA).
Globally recognized thought leader, advocate, and speaker on IP, innovation and related topics. Recent engagements include testimony before the US Senate Judiciary, keynote address at the 7th Annual IBA World Life Sciences Conference, and many others.
Corey is a Stanford University of Law School graduate and Yale University undergraduate.
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Deep Dive Episode 118 – Can Patents and Bayh-Dole Fuel Innovation in the Time of COVID-19?
In this episode, experts discuss how patents, patent licensing, and the tech transfer process created by the Bayh-Dole Act might provide key legal and policy tools for companies to respond effectively to our current health crisis and crises to come.
Listen to this podcast