C. Wallace DeWitt
C. Wallace DeWitt
A person listed as a contributor has spoken or otherwise participated in Regulatory Transparency Project events, publications, or multimedia presentations. A person's appearance on the website does not imply an endorsement or relationship between the person and the Regulatory Transparency Project. The Regulatory Transparency Project takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues. All expressions of opinion by a contributor are those of the contributor.
Deep Dive Episode 159 – Countering the Politicization of Financial Services: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?
This live podcast explores the issues surrounding the politicization of financial services, including the OCC rulemaking and other recent initiatives.
Listen to this podcastDeep Dive Episode 69 – SOX Auditor Attestation Requirements
Do proposed rule changes from the SEC properly balance the concerns of investor protection and capital formation for smaller businesses? John Berlau, Wes Bricker, and J.W. Verrett discuss, and C. Wallace DeWitt moderates.
Listen to this podcast