Adam Jackson
Edge AI
Adam Jackson
Edge AI
Adam Jackson joined the Army in 2007. He served as an infantryman in the 82nd Airborne Division. While there, he deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan from 2009 to 2010. He started the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) in 2011. Upon graduation, he was assigned to 5th Special Forces Group. As a member of 5th SFG he deployed to Jordan, Iraq, and Syria. While in Jordan he spearheaded an effort to equip a Jordanian Intelligence unit with secure internet. Upon returning from Jordan, he attended the Joint Terminal Attack Controller Course where he learned to integrate aircraft into ground operations, assess structures and material for blast and penetration tolerance, and prevent friendly fire incidents and collateral damage. In 2016, Adam deployed to Iraq and eventually moved from Iraq to Syria. His team was one of the first Special Forces Teams in Syria. Upon returning from his last deployment Adam started a computer vision company that specializes in Facial Recognition security systems and prepared to leave the military. He is a self-taught programmer, computer networking technician, system integration specialist, and security consultant.
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Deep Dive Episode 31 – Tennessee Licensing Board Alarmed by Entrepreneur’s Facial Recognition Software
Adam Jackson (Edge AI) and Braden Boucek (Beacon Center of Tennessee) discuss how Adam has been barred by the Tennessee Alarm Systems Contractors Board from distributing the software he developed to identify potentially dangerous individuals and prompt a security response before violence occurs.
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